FBC 101 (Virtual Edition) is back this spring!
Last fall, the Form-Based Codes Institute successfully hosted its most popular class–FBC 101: The ABCs …
FBCI announces 2018 winners of the Richard H. Driehaus Form-Based Code Award
Honoring achievement in the writing and implementation of form-based codes The Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) at Smart Growth America is [...]
If you are going to CNU26 in Savannah, GA later this month, you will have several opportunities to hear some [...]
City of Covington Seeks Neighborhood Development Code
The City of Covington is seeking qualified firms to create a development code which integrates form or character-based zoning and [...]
City of Detroit Seeks Zoning Ordinance Update
The City of Detroit, Michigan, City Planning Commission seeks the services of a qualified professional planning consultant to prepare a [...]
Town of Clarksville, IN Seeks Consultant to Develop Mixed-Use Zone Form-Based Code
The Town of Clarksville, IN is seeking a qualified consultant to update a division within the Town’s zoning ordinance, converting [...]
Experts Discuss Zoning Reform to Create Vibrant, Walkable, Mixed-Use Communities
How do you create an attractive, accessible, diverse community—a neighborhood that is recognized and celebrated as a great place to [...]
FBCI Holds Symposium to Explore “Urban Form as a Framework for Healthy Communities ”
“I have two doctors: my left foot and my right foot.” — G. M. Trevelyan Medical breakthroughs such as new [...]
New FBC a Big Win for Winooski
Winooski, a small city in northwestern Vermont that sits at the mouth of the Winooski River, tends to be overshadowed [...]
At the Congress for the New Urbanism’s (CNU) Charter Awards Ceremony in Seattle on May 5, the Form-Based Codes Institute [...]
City of Marquette Modern Land Development Code
The City of Marquette (City) requests the submission of proposals from land use planning consulting firms to prepare a major [...]
FBCI Symposium Will Explore How Cities Can Be Redeveloped to Improve Public Health
Most of us know that a healthy lifestyle involves eating high-quality, nutritious food, getting regular exercise and plenty of rest, [...]
Practical Idealism: FBCs as the Framework for Building Sustainable Places
[wds id=”1″] Great cities, towns and neighborhoods do not develop by trial and error. Rather, their growth is guided by [...]
FBCI Book Review: Zoned in the USA
Form-based codes are a big improvement over conventional zoning, but that’s a hard argument to make if advocates have a [...]
New Research on Signs Within a Walkable Street Environment by Roger Eastman
The Signage Foundation, a research organization based in Washington, D.C., is partnering with faculty and graduate students at Michigan State [...]
Bringing User-Friendly Spaces to Costa Rica Requires Working with What Is and What Can Be
What’s the best way to introduce the first form-based code in an entire country? A team led by architect and [...]