Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America


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FBCI announces 2018 winners of the Richard H. Driehaus Form-Based Code Award

FBCI announces 2018 winners of the Richard H. Driehaus Form-Based Code Award

Honoring achievement in the writing and implementation of form-based codes The Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) at Smart Growth America is [...]

Form-Based Codes at CNU26

Form-Based Codes at CNU26

If you are going to CNU26 in Savannah, GA later this month, you will have several opportunities to hear some [...]

City of Covington Seeks Neighborhood Development Code

City of Covington Seeks Neighborhood Development Code

The City of Covington is seeking qualified firms to create a development code which integrates form or character-based zoning and [...]

City of Detroit Seeks Zoning Ordinance Update

City of Detroit Seeks Zoning Ordinance Update

The City of Detroit, Michigan, City Planning Commission seeks the services of a qualified professional planning consultant to prepare a [...]

Town of Clarksville, IN Seeks Consultant to Develop Mixed-Use Zone Form-Based Code

Town of Clarksville, IN Seeks Consultant to Develop Mixed-Use Zone Form-Based Code

The Town of Clarksville, IN is seeking a qualified consultant to update a division within the Town’s zoning ordinance, converting [...]

Experts Discuss Zoning Reform to Create Vibrant, Walkable, Mixed-Use Communities

Experts Discuss Zoning Reform to Create Vibrant, Walkable, Mixed-Use Communities

How do you create an attractive, accessible, diverse community—a neighborhood that is recognized and celebrated as a great place to [...]

FBCI Holds Symposium to Explore “Urban Form as a Framework for Healthy Communities ”

FBCI Holds Symposium to Explore “Urban Form as a Framework for Healthy Communities ”

“I have two doctors: my left foot and my right foot.” — G. M. Trevelyan Medical breakthroughs such as new [...]

New FBC a Big Win for Winooski

New FBC a Big Win for Winooski

Winooski, a small city in northwestern Vermont that sits at the mouth of the Winooski River, tends to be overshadowed [...]

From Desert to Oasis: Transformative FBC Will Help Turn a “Big Blank Piece of Sand” Into a Diverse, Attractive Community

From Desert to Oasis: Transformative FBC Will Help Turn a “Big Blank Piece of Sand” Into a Diverse, Attractive Community

At the Congress for the New Urbanism’s (CNU) Charter Awards Ceremony in Seattle on May 5, the Form-Based Codes Institute [...]

City of Marquette Modern Land Development Code

City of Marquette Modern Land Development Code

The City of Marquette (City) requests the submission of proposals from land use planning consulting firms to prepare a major [...]

FBCI Symposium Will Explore How Cities Can Be Redeveloped to Improve Public Health

FBCI Symposium Will Explore How Cities Can Be Redeveloped to Improve Public Health

Most of us know that a healthy lifestyle involves eating high-quality, nutritious food, getting regular exercise and plenty of rest, [...]

Practical Idealism: FBCs as the Framework for Building Sustainable Places

Practical Idealism: FBCs as the Framework for Building Sustainable Places

[wds id=”1″] Great cities, towns and neighborhoods do not develop by trial and error. Rather, their growth is guided by [...]

FBCI Book Review: Zoned in the USA

FBCI Book Review: Zoned in the USA

Form-based codes are a big improvement over conventional zoning, but that’s a hard argument to make if advocates have a [...]

New Research on Signs Within a Walkable Street Environment by Roger Eastman

New Research on Signs Within a Walkable Street Environment by Roger Eastman

The Signage Foundation, a research organization based in Washington, D.C., is partnering with faculty and graduate students at Michigan State [...]

Bringing User-Friendly Spaces to Costa Rica Requires Working with What Is and What Can Be

Bringing User-Friendly Spaces to Costa Rica Requires Working with What Is and What Can Be

What’s the best way to introduce the first form-based code in an entire country? A team led by architect and [...]
