Lafayette Downtown Code

The Downtown Code for Lafayette, LA was adopted within one year of the city’s Downtown Action Plan to stimulate development that would “enhance the convenience, vibrancy, and charm of outdoor rooms inherent to urban neighborhoods.”
“The downtown code is a simple, short, and well-illustrated model for downtown districts that serves as one chapter of a new, otherwise conventional, unified development code. It places emphasis on regulating what matters most in the urban context—building frontage—and promotes great urbanism through limited controls on height and an innovative parking policy. The document translates key elements for activating the downtown core into easily understood standards, while articulating roles for the private and public sectors to foster good development. The graphics are exceptionally concise, instructive, and elegant. This code offers an excellent example to any community for regulating a downtown with a form-based code, while providing Lafayette with a replicable approach, which can be applied in other neighborhoods.” – Jury statement from the 2019 Driehaus Award Jury
View the Lafayette Downtown Code beginning on page 18 of the Unified Development Code here.
Additional Information
Code Categories
Physical Contexts:
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