Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America


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A Message From Our Chairperson

A Message From Our Chairperson

FBCI is growing in 2016! We are pleased to announce that the Richard H. Driehaus Lead Charitable Trust has offered [...]

FBCI Welcomes New Board and Resource Council Members

FBCI Welcomes New Board and Resource Council Members

FBCI is pleased to welcome seven new Board members in 2015. [...]

FBCI Expands its Reach and Effectiveness

FBCI Expands its Reach and Effectiveness

FBCI has begun its campaign to make form-based codes the “new normal” in municipal land use regulation [...]

One of World’s Largest Developers Adopts Form-Based Codes

One of World’s Largest Developers Adopts Form-Based Codes

Form-based codes are now part of planning for U.S. military bases worldwide. [...]

Columbia Pike’s Form Based Success

Columbia Pike’s Form Based Success

Efforts to transform Columbia Pike into a more walkable transit-oriented “Main Street” for south Arlington are becoming a reality. [...]

New FBC 101 on Planetizen!

New FBC 101 on Planetizen!

Planetizen Courses and FBCI partner to create "Form-Based Codes 101" training series [...]

FBC 101 on Planetizen

FBC 101 on Planetizen

A new on-line version of the popular course, FBC 101: The ABCs of Form-Based Codes [...]

FBCs: From Fringe to Mainstream in 10 Years

FBCs: From Fringe to Mainstream in 10 Years

It is my pleasure to welcome readers to the inaugural issue of the FBCI e-Newsletter [...]

FBCI: The Beginning

FBCI: The Beginning

One could argue FBCI began with a dinner conversation in Washington D.C. among Peter Katz, Richard H. Driehaus and myself [...]

Driehaus Award goes to Beaufort County CDC

Driehaus Award goes to Beaufort County CDC

The 2015 Driehaus Award goes to Beaufort CDC [...]

FBCI at CNU 23 : the future of form-based coding

FBCI at CNU 23 : the future of form-based coding

FBCI will host a two-hour facilitated discussion about the future of form-based coding. [...]

Benefits of Form-based Planning and Coding

Benefits of Form-based Planning and Coding

This article is intended to provoke a discussion about placemaking and community planning. [...]

5 Questions for Joel Russell (about…form-based codes)!

5 Questions for Joel Russell (about…form-based codes)!

Zoning defined by the shape and relation of buildings creates better communities for people of all ages. [...]

An Introduction to Form-Based Codes

An Introduction to Form-Based Codes

A 4-part series that provides a very useful and thorough overview for citizen planners [...]

The Frontier of Form-Based Codes

The Frontier of Form-Based Codes

Form-based codes are being tested further up the scale as key tools in regional planning. [...]
