New FBC 101 on Planetizen!
FBCI and Planetizen Courses partner to create “Form-Based Codes 101” training series
FBCI and Planetizen Courses have produced a new series of online training courses explaining the concepts and best practices behind form-based codes. The Form-Based Codes 101 series provides in-depth, step-by-step instruction in why and how communities are adopting this groundbreaking innovation in land use regulation.
Here’s a short intro featuring FBCI’s instructors.

Talking FBCs (from top left), Geoff Ferrell, Lisa Wise, Dan Slone, Kaizer Rangwala, Victor Dover, Mary Madden, Tony Perez, Dan Parolek
The new series comprises eight courses taught by FBCI’s instructors:
- Introduction (Victor Dover, Mary Madden, and Tony Perez)
- Learning How To Look (Tony Perez and Geoffrey Ferrell)
- Neighborhoods (Daniel Parolek and Geoffrey Ferrell)
- Corridors (Kaizer Rangwala and Geoffrey Ferrell)
- Downtowns (Victor Dover and Mary Madden)
- Preparing a Form-Based Code (Lisa Wise and Daniel Parolek)
- Legal Aspects (Daniel K. Slone and Daniel Parolek)
- Citywide and Countywide Code Updates (Peter Park, Lisa Wise, and Daniel Parolek)
“This series provides a great opportunity for both laypersons and practicing planners to gain a basic understanding of an innovative tool,” says Mary Madden, principal of Ferrell Madden LLC and chair of the Form-Based Codes Institute. “Many communities are realizing that conventional zoning produces sprawling, unsustainable development patterns, and form-based codes are an important tool for rethinking development regulations in order to build compact, walkable, mixed-use places.”
Combining for over nine hours of instruction, the “Form-Based Codes 101” series offers planners, policy makers, and engaged citizens skills critical to the success of urban initiatives. For professional certification purposes, planners can benefit from a total of 8 AICP CM credits, and landscape architects can earn 9 LA CES appointments. The entire series is available as a “track” on the Planetizen Courses website.
The “Form Based Codes 101” series is one of the latest in the growing library of Planetizen Courses, developed by (and for) the urbanist, planning, design, and development communities. New Planetizen Courses are released every week and optimized for smartphones and tablets, recognizing the rapidly growing trend of using mobile devices to access online education.
Note – As a sequence of 8 courses, completing the whole track fulfills the introductory requirement of FBCI’s three-course series. It is a prerequisite for FBCI’s two-day onsite advanced courses, FBC 201 (Urban Design and Placemaking with Form-Based Codes) and FBC 301 (Formulating, Adopting, and Administering Form-Based Codes). Those who finish all three receive a certificate of completion from FBCI.
About Planetizen Planetizen is a public-interest information exchange for the urban planning, design, and development community—a one-stop source for urban planning news, editorials, book reviews, jobs, and education. Planetizen provides a forum for people across the political and ideological spectrum, ensuring a healthy debate on these and other important issues. Planetizen is supported and developed by Urban Insight, Inc.
About Planetizen Courses Planetizen Courses have been developed in collaboration with working professionals to bring you knowledge that you can use in your work. We’ve been providing online courses since 2005, with classes taught by professionals for professionals.