Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America

Topic: Streets

Parking Reform for 21st Century Communities: Getting More Out of Public Space

A FREE joint webinar between the Form-Based Codes Institute and the State Smart Transportation Initiative. Speakers discussed the steps taken to rethink parking policies and prioritize people in public spaces in Hartford,…more

What Form-Based Coding Practitioners Need To Know About Street Design

Street design and land use regulation are inseparable parts of a whole in Form-Based Codes.Victor Dover and John Massengale, co-authors of the book Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities…more

What Every Public Official Should Know About Form-Based Codes (Part 1)

Cincinnati’s Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls speaks directly to public officials – elected and appointed – including those serving on committees, commissions and community councils. She presents the strategic case for…more


Economic Development Through Form-Based Coding

Scott Polikov, President of Gateway Planning Group in Austin, Texas, demonstrates how a form-based approach allows communities to leverage the near term market without sacrificing flexibility and creativity over time.…more

