Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America


Articles, News, Blog and RFPs

Articles, News, Blog and RFPs

All Articles, News, Blog and RFPs are entered as Posts. All of the All Content instructions apply to Posts–read those instructions first. Posts, like Pages, are not controlled by a content template (exception described below). That means that the content and layout for a post is completely controlled by the wysiwyg editor. Be sure to assign […]

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ALL CONTENT: 9 Steps For Publishing Any Content

ALL CONTENT: 9 Steps For Publishing Any Content

1. Text & Images Write the text first. Use Paragraph/Heading styles, bulleted/numbered lists, quotes, and other layout tools to improve readability and add some visual appeal. Links are your friend–link to internal and external sources often (external links should open in a new tab/window). Use column shortcodes as necessary to aid layouts. Wordpress saves drafts as […]

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