Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America

Woodford County New Urban Code

Woodford Courthouse

Ferrell Rutherford Associates and Dover, Kohl & Partners.

“Woodford County is a place of exceptional character and quality of life. Its fabric of small towns, villages, and rolling hills present an impressive landscape to visitors and is a source of pride for its residents. In the effort to continue building Woodford County according to its best traditions, its citizens have recognized the need to continue to guide future development. This Code pursues the aspirations of the County’s citizens as expressed in the recent Design for Tomorrow planning workshops, incorporating the work of previous citizen committees and the mandates of the County’s adopted Comprehensive Plan.

These prescriptions encourage an interdependent community through the deliberate strengthening of neighborhoods and public spaces, while providing for a desirable private life for each County resident and property owner. The Code also attempts to reduce the level of uncertainty in the current land use regulations by recommending more objective criteria for the essential elements of design, while allowing greater flexibility in building styles and uses. Overall, it advocates that future growth follow a traditional “town and country” pattern and that it foster healthy public dialogue about that growth.”

– Excerpt from the code contents


Code Documents:


Code Categories

Physical Contexts:
Organizing Principles:
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Special Features:
Driehaus Awards:
No Award