Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America

Fort Myers Beach Land Development Code

Fort Myers Beach

After incorporation, the Town of Fort Myers Beach FL needed to completely revise its land development code to implement a new comprehensive plan. The new plan revolved around a community design element that described how physical pieces of the town (open spaces, buildings, streets, and paths) work together to create a distinct local character amidst a tourism economy. The new code, adopted in 2003, uses a combination of conventional zoning districts for its stable neighborhoods plus form-based zoning districts for its redevelopment areas. All zoning districts use a streamlined method of assigning land uses. Mandatory design standards are provided for commercial buildings, replacing difficult-to-enforce design guidelines. This code is administered by town staff, replacing a system where nearly every approval required approval by the Town Council.


Code Documents:

Code Categories

Physical Contexts:
Organizing Principles:
Implementation Methods:
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Driehaus Awards:
No Award