Cincinnati Form-Based Code
The Jury singled out Cincinnati for an honorable mention as a path-breaking code for applying Form Based Codes city-wide, but in an incremental way, as neighborhoods adopt place-specific codes. This approach enables a FBC to “grow” organically over time across an entire city. It also encourages neighborhood-based planning, quality urban infill, and the retrofit and improvement of existing buildings and neighborhood fabric. This process is a new model for cities looking to move to form-based regulations. There was concern relating primarily to a lack of predictable street-space character, a deficiency that can probably be remedied by certain types of amendments. The code establishes transect zones and specifies standards for transects, building types, frontage types, walkable neighborhoods, and thoroughfares. Additional standard sections regulate for hillside and historic districts, parking, and corner stores. One of the major contributions of the code is the walkable neighborhood standards that span across transects and specify allocation of transect zones, pedestrian sheds, neighborhood centers, thoroughfare connectivity, open space, and civic space standards. Standards and regulations are keyed to a regulating plan, emphasize parameters for form with predictable physical outcomes and incorporate numerous clearly labeled, accurate and unambiguous diagrams. The Cincinnati Form-Based Code is the result of a lengthy community input and participation process.
Code Documents:
Additional Information
Code Categories
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