Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America


A Step-by-Step Guide to Form-Based Codes

A Step-by-Step Guide to Form-Based Codes

CMAP Guide for Communities

CMAP Guide for Communities

FBCI was very pleased to discover Form-Based Codes: A Step-by-Step Guide for Communities, recently published by the Chicago regional planning agency, CMAPIn fact, we like this little booklet so much that we’ve put our imprimatur on it showing our endorsement.

This well-illustrated CMAP handbook explains what form-based codes are, that their purpose is to make places. In clear and concise language,  it shows how the physical character of development becomes central within the regulating framework, such that all aspects of the regulation are joined through the concern with form.

While many communities will hire consultants, they must understand the scope of work required to create an effective code. For this the little guidebook is most helpful. It sets out the steps to write a precise RFP, evaluate bidders, monitor and evaluate consultants’ work, and properly administer a form-based code when adopted.

The guidebook offers a synopsis of the comprehensive process recommended by architects Dan and Karen Parolek of Opticos Design, and Paul Crawford, in their influential Form-Based Codes: A Guide for Planners, Urban Designers, Municipalities, and Developers.

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