Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America


Website: templates, layouts, menus, widgets

Website: templates, layouts, menus, widgets

There are several tools used to control how content is organized on Templates For, the term template refers to the tool used to organize content on individual posts for Codes, Courses, Webinars, Books and People. Templates allow for the organization of content that is similar, repeated, or always present, to be formalized and […]

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Website: plugins

Website: plugins

THIS ARTICLE IS OUT OF DATE – 12/1/15 There are many plugins that have been used to customize WordPress for What follows is a brief description of what each plugin does and where it’s used on the site. Access Gives greater control over user roles and allows for custom user groups. This plugin allows […]

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Most of the All Content instructions apply to Webinars–read those instructions first. Featured images are not necessary for Webinars unless featuring a webinar on the homepage slider. Unique to Webinars is the Webinar Info Box and the Topics box. Webinars also feature the Fields Table box, like Courses and People. In the Webinar  Info box, the Registration URL […]

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For the most part, instructions for entering People are very similar to those listed in All Content. However, on most pages that list a People Group (Alumni, Board, etc.), the layout is completely controlled by a template and no WYSIWYG content is included–just the featured image and some contact information from the Person Info box. […]

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Adding and editing Pages is similar to the All Content instructions above. One notable difference is that Pages do not need a featured image. Pages also differ from other content types in that Page content is always static. Its content is not displayed dynamically on other pages or widgets like content from Codes, Webinars, Courses, Books, People […]

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The homepage content is controlled by widgets. If you go to the homepage edit screen, you’ll notice there’s nothing in the WYSIWYG editor. If you add content there, it will appear between the slider and the What Are Form-based Codes and Codes For Communities widgets. The homepage uses the Widgetized Homepage widget areas. These widgets […]

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Driehaus Awards

Driehaus Awards

Driehaus Awards content is different from other content types in that it is not necessary to follow the All Content instructions above. The Driehaus Awards content type is used to connect People and Codes content types so that they can automatically be displayed together on the Driehaus Awards page and the Driehaus Award Recipients page. The Driehaus Awards content […]

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Courses work a little differently compared to other content types. On the website, there appear to be static Pages in the menu under Courses & Webinars for pages like /courses/fbc101, courses/fbc201, and /courses/fbc301. However, these pages are actually individual posts in the Courses content type. The reason they are posts and not Pages is so that the […]

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Adding and editing codes should follow the All Content instructions above. The Library of Codes page and individual code pages are controlled by content templates, so the WYSIWYG only requires text. The image used in both content templates is the featured image. Look through the code documents to find text content. Typically an introductory paragraph from one […]

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Books follow the All Content instructions above. Book content layout is automatically controlled by a template, so the only necessary content in the WYSIWYG editor is some text. The featured image is also automatically included in the content template. Enter a description or review of the book in the main content area. Also enter an […]

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