Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America

Library of Codes

FBCI gathers the best examples of form-based codes from communities across the United States and abroad. The codes represent a variety of community types and applications of form-based standards. Click on the Show Search Options button to search the library by phrase, location, Driehaus Award recipients, and the categories described below.

  • Physical Context: size or type of government entity
  • Organizing Principle: underlying organization for the code standards
  • Implementation Method: how the code standards operate within the zoning ordinance
  • Development Type: development types impacted by the code standards
  • Special Features: unique code attributes or awards

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City of Rowlett Form-Based Code

**Driehaus Honorable Mention**

A code that directs a strong integration of regulation, market activity, and place-making goals within varied development contexts.

City of South Bend Zoning Ordinance

**Driehaus Award Recipient**

This citywide code is an excellent model for any city—particularly legacy cities—seeking to use code reform to promote fiscally and environmentally sustainable urban regeneration, greater housing diversity, walkable neighborhoods, and stronger urban design.…more

Wyandanch Straight Path Corridor Code

Town of Babylon Seal **Driehaus Award Recipient**

The Town of Babylon Downtown Wyandanch and Straight Path Corridor Form-Based Code is designed to spur the revitalization of an economically distressed area. The Code is intended to transform the existing 142-acre suburban…more

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