Library of Codes
FBCI gathers the best examples of form-based codes from communities across the United States and abroad. The codes represent a variety of community types and applications of form-based standards. Click on the Show Search Options button to search the library by phrase, location, Driehaus Award recipients, and the categories described below.
- Physical Context: size or type of government entity
- Organizing Principle: underlying organization for the code standards
- Implementation Method: how the code standards operate within the zoning ordinance
- Development Type: development types impacted by the code standards
- Special Features: unique code attributes or awards
Daufuskie Island Code

Based on the SmartCode, the Daufuskie Island Code is uniquely structured by defining a hierarchy of regulating levels starting with Conservation and Urban Sectors, followed by Place Types, Zoning Districts, Street Types, and…more
Code Documents
Bellevue, KY Form-Based Code

This is a mandatory SmartCode that aims at shaping public space and preserving Bellevue’s historic downtown character. It describes and sets standards for transects, thoroughfares, public frontages, thoroughfare assemblies, public lighting, and civic…more
Bradenton Land Use and Development Regulations

The City of Bradenton Form-Based Code Land Use and Development Regulations offers an important model for the way it deals with infill development of an existing 1,830-acre community. It is a comprehensive SmartCode…more
Gulfport SmartCode

The Gulfport Code is the first new FBC to be adopted in communities hit by Hurricane Katrina. While an optional code, an add-on to the city’s existing regulations, it still holds immense potential…more
Hartford Zoning Code

This code serves as a comprehensive and concise model for citywide form-based standards. The approach to building types creates a rich variety of urbanism and appropriately addresses both the private and public realm.…more
Jefferson County SmartCode Floating Overlay District
This regulatory county-wide smart code directs and guides future growth in sectors of Jefferson County by setting standards and regulations for new and infill community-scale and building-scale plans. On community-scale plans the code…more