Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America

Library of Codes

FBCI gathers the best examples of form-based codes from communities across the United States and abroad. The codes represent a variety of community types and applications of form-based standards. Click on the Show Search Options button to search the library by phrase, location, Driehaus Award recipients, and the categories described below.

  • Physical Context: size or type of government entity
  • Organizing Principle: underlying organization for the code standards
  • Implementation Method: how the code standards operate within the zoning ordinance
  • Development Type: development types impacted by the code standards
  • Special Features: unique code attributes or awards

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Benicia Downtown Mixed Use Master Plan

Benicia **Driehaus Award Recipient**

Completed as part of the downtown master plan project, the form-based code implements the community’s vision and intent for the area. The regulations detail four zoning districts organized by building form, in addition…more

Buffalo Green Code

Buffalo Mixed-Use Edge Place Type **Driehaus Award Recipient**

The city of Buffalo, NY took on a significant challenge—to adopt a high-quality, citywide form-based ordinance. Starting in 2010, the city followed a seven-year process to create the Buffalo Green Code as the…more

Canton Village Districts Code

Collinsville, CT aerial **Driehaus Honorable Mention**

This code was adopted in 2018 for a suburban corridor linking established historic village centers in western Connecticut. Prior commercial strip zoning on State Route 44 is now pre-approved for higher density, mixed-use development…more

Objective Design and Development Standards

FBCI Award_2022_Opticos_Objective Design and Development Standards **Driehaus Award Recipient**

This model code for Marin County, CA exemplifies the differentiating strengths of form-based codes: clear guidance for better design outcomes and predictable, fair, and timely review processes. While conventional codes coupled with onerous…more

Near Southside Development Standards and Guidelines

Near Southside **Driehaus Award Recipient**

The Near Southside Development District, on the south side of the City of Fort Worth, includes both a historic district dating to the 1800s and the County’s second largest employment center. Over 30,000…more

Central Hercules Regulating Code


Located on San Pablo Bay 16 miles east of San Francisco, Hercules began as a company town for the Hercules Powder Company. Once a thriving industrial town, Hercules had begun to struggle with…more

Code Documents

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