Steering Committee
The FBCI Steering Committee is composed of 21 volunteer members, all currently practicing in the planning, design, and legal professions. Four officers are elected at the board’s annual meeting in October. An executive director oversees operations, fundraising, programs and course administration. Many of the organization’s founders and long-serving committee members continue to support FBCI as members of the Emeritus Board.

Dover, Kohl & Partners
Coral Gables, FL

Partner / Director of Town Planning
Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co.
Gaithersburg, MD
Executive Director
Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning & Community Development
Somerville, MA

President & CEO
Hurley Franks & Assoc.
Philadelphia, PA

Planning Director
Louisville Metro Planning & Design Services, Develop Louisville, Louisville Forward
Louisville, KY
Enterprise Partner Success Manager / Founding Principal
Remix / Joyful Urbanist
Dallas, TX