Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America

James Lindberg

Jim Lindberg Field Director
NTHP - Mtns/Plains Office
Denver, CO
FBCI Involvement

Jim Lindberg is Director of Preservation Initiatives in the Mountains/Plains office of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, located in Denver. Jim completed FBCI’s three-course series and recently finished four years of service on the Denver Zoning Code Task Force, which guided the development of a new context-sensitive, form-based code that was adopted in 2010. He’s the author of numerous articles on historic preservation and planning and is co-author of the book Protecting America’s Historic Neighborhoods: Taming the Teardown Trend (National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2002). A native of Iowa City, Iowa, Jim received a B.A. degree in the Growth and Structure of Cities from Haverford College and a M.S. in Historic Preservation from the University of Vermont.
