Form-Based Codes
A Guide for Planners, Urban Designers, Municipalities, and Developers

John Wiley & Sons, 2008
By Daniel G. Parolek, AIA, Karen Parolek, and Paul C. Crawford, FAICP
Form-Based Codes is the only comprehensive guide to Form-Based Codes for urban designers, architects, planners, developers and city agencies. Generously illustrated at 332 pages, it includes forewords by two leading lights of the new urbanist movement and accomplished form-based coders Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and Stefanos Polyzoides. The book explains the components of FBCs, a suggested process for drafting them, and many helpful case studies. Authors Daniel Parolek, Karen Parolek, and Paul C. Crawford are founding board members of the Form-Based Codes Institute.
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